Saturday, March 8, 2008

TreeBlogging Advocacy

I came across this site, over my browsing of some blogs of friends after seeing a very colorful animated and cool widget on their web pages. I got intrigued by this, I must say, beautiful widget, and so just found myself signing up and copying the code to my own blog.

Tree Nation according to its site "is an ecological project with a focused objective: To plant 8 million trees in Niger, Africa to fight desertification! Large-scale plantation of trees will increase the land's productivity and re-generate the soil." This is such a noble act therefore. Their very campaign is founded on the reason that "desertification is potentially the most threatening ecosystem change impacting livelihoods of the poor." (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Desertification is not about advancing deserts, it is about land degradation caused by climate change and humaninduced factors. That's right, US! By planting your tree, you can help combat this process and regenerate the productivity of the land."

Their goal is to plant 8 million trees in the desert using sophisticated mapping out systems technology (GPRS). Through donations and maximizing the power of the internet technology, Tree Nation is not only focused on increasing financial assistance from its members and other kind-hearted individuals, but more than that, increased awareness and knowledge on how to further protect our environment is of equal importance. One can choose among a wide array of tree species that could survive the desert atmosphere and even personalize it! Wow! I can have a tree named after me in a far away desert miles away from me just by just clicking through the net!

For now, I cannot donate yet, but my participation in their noble goal by increasing the awareness of millions of bloggers throughout our globe about their work (and also posting their widget on my blog...lower left part) is something I can realistically do now.

Take a visit of their site at, sign up and get a widget too! and maybe, even donate a tree and name it after you.

Good luck guys! Kudos!

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Anonymous said...

wow, this is great! im gonna visit the site. ur right, the widget is cool!

brixxx said...

@steph: yeah...i find the site really cool

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