Hidden messages on films are not new in Hollywood. Films have actually become a tool for the ideologies of some groups to be shown in the mainstream if not in a more popular form of media. While other films on the other hand have become a popular political tool of select groups who want to advance their agenda in political governance.
For those who have watched James Cameron’s Avatar, they say that the movies send out messages to viewers about environmental issues, concerns on the on-going war, globalization and discrimination of races.
One danger though of the trying to make a great cult out of the film is to dismiss the film as a whole and all its innate accomplishments and focus more on the disunity of ideologies.
Though obviously, Avatar has political, environmental and moral undertones in it, I think all films are. Only that the issue is fueled into a bigger concern because Avatar hit the gold mine big time.
Do you think that the movie Avatar have hidden messages and have some discreet political agenda?
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