Saturday, August 18, 2012

June-July 2012 NLE Results and Passers

June-July 2012 NLE Results:  The PRC is going to administer the Nursing Licensure Examinations (NLE) on June 30-July 1, 2012.  The board examinations is to be held on all major regional venues of PRC that it identified like in Manila, Angeles, and Dagupan.

The PRC expects thousands of students to take the examinations with the last day of filing was last May 8.

Expect that the release date of the examinations for the June-July 2012 Nursing Board Exam will take a couple of weeks before it is made public by the PRC, under the Board of Nursing.

Board exam result for nursing will be released and posted here as soon as it has been made available to the public by PRC.

Aside from the complete list of passers, the top ten passers and top performing nursing schools will also be posted.

So in order to get the exam results and updates you may subscribe by putting your email address on the box below or like Facebook Page on the side bar to stay connected.

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