Thursday, February 10, 2011

Man with Low IQ Banned to have Sex by High Court

When we thought that sex is the greatest gift given by the heavens to mankind no matter what his color, race and social standing is, better ask yourself first before you take your passion to the next level when you read this news from the United Kingdom.

A judge ordered a man with a low IQ to be banned from having sex and is now subject to “close supervision” by authorities to ensure that he follow the High Court’s order.

The subject of this very unusual court order is a 41-year old man who is into a same-sex relationship.

A local council allegedly decided that the man’s “vigorous sex drive” was inappropriate in relation to his IQ of 48. They said that with such an IQ and having “moderate” learning disability, the man definitely does not know what he was doing.

At one point, the man at the center of this very odd news was prevented by a psychiatrist to undergo sex education. The psychiatrist said that subjecting the man to sex-ed would only make him more confused.

The issue sparked debates as regards to the issue of civil liberty.

But for Justice Mostyn, the issue is crucial as it is considered to be “legally, intellectually and morally” complex . Part of the decision of the judge reads:

“I therefore make a declaration that at the present time Alan does not have the capacity to consent to and engage in sexual relations.

“In such circumstances it is agreed that the present rĂ©gime for Alan's supervision and for the prevention of future sexual activity is in his best interests.”

But there could be some relief whenever the 41-year old man feels some urging.
“Since then Alan has been subjected to close supervision to prevent any further sexual activity on his part” except when he is alone in his bedroom, said the report.

The judge said, that since sex is the most basic of human functions, it requires an understanding and awareness of the “mechanics of the act” and more importantly, the “health risks involved.”

What do you think?

I’d go better check my IQ level now, ehehehe!

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